Thursday, February 21, 2008

The One With The Shaved Heads


I am a noob blogger . So here are a few random pictures from my 2 1/2 months during National Service . Something i never thought i would enjoy but turned out the total opposite . Most of the pictures were taken by my brother who came to visit with Mommy !

Mommy and I

I have cock-eyes here dunno why . and my teeth damn putih . like Colgate commercial . Oh yah my face is painted cuz it was the Open Day and i was performing for the Tarian Perang/Zulu Dance

i THINK im the 4th or 5th from the right . first row la of course :) :)
And thats the view that greeted me every morning :)

forgot her name , i remember she left cuz she had low white blood cells so she kept fainting :(

Aiman and Nain

